Class TypedEventTarget<TEvents>

Decorator for EventTarget allowing to strongly type events and listeners

Type Parameters

  • TEvents extends TypedEvent<any>

    union of dispatched events

Hierarchy (view full)



  • Type Parameters

    • T extends string

      the name of event

    • E extends TypedEvent<any> & {
          type: T;

      the class of the event


    • type: T
    • callback: EventListenerObject | ((e: E) => void)
    • Optionaloptions: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions

    Returns void

  • Dispatches a synthetic event event to target and returns true if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked, and false otherwise.

    MDN Reference


    Returns boolean

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends string

      the name of event

    • E extends TypedEvent<any> & {
          type: T;

      the class of the event


    • type: TEvents["type"]
    • callback: EventListenerObject | ((e: E) => void)
    • Optionaloptions: boolean | EventListenerOptions

    Returns void