CubemapMultiTilesPanorama: {
    baseUrl?: CubemapPanorama;
    flipTopBottom?: boolean;
    levels: CubemapTileLevel[];
    tileUrl: (
        face: keyof Cubemap,
        col: number,
        row: number,
        level: number,
    ) => string | null;

Configuration of a tiled cubemap with multiple tiles configurations

Type declaration

  • OptionalbaseUrl?: CubemapPanorama

    low resolution panorama loaded before tiles

  • OptionalflipTopBottom?: boolean

    Set to true if the top and bottom faces are not correctly oriented

  • levels: CubemapTileLevel[]

    Configuration of tiles by zoom level

  • tileUrl: (face: keyof Cubemap, col: number, row: number, level: number) => string | null

    function to build a tile url