# Configuration

Angles definitions

Photo Sphere Viewer uses a lot of angles for its configuration, most of them can be defined in radians by using a simple number (3.5) or in degrees using the "deg" suffix ('55deg').

# Standard options

# container (required)

  • type: HTMLElement | string

HTML element which will contain the panorama, or identifier of the element.

container: document.querySelector('.viewer');

container: 'viewer'; // will target [id="viewer"]

# panorama (required)

  • type: *

Path to the panorama. Must be a single URL for the default equirectangular adapter. Other adapters support other values.

# adapter

  • default: equirectangular

Which adapter used to load the panorama.

# plugins

  • type: array

List of enabled plugins.

# caption

  • type: string

A text displayed in the navbar. If the navbar is disabled, the caption won't be visible. HTML is allowed.

# description

  • type: string

A text displayed in the side panel when the user clicks the "i" button. HTML is allowed.

# downloadUrl

  • type: string
  • default: =panorama for equirectangular panoramas

Define the file which will be downloaded with the download button. This is particularly useful for adapters that use multiple files, like the CubemapAdapter or the EquirectangularTilesAdapter.

# downloadName

  • type: string
  • default: panorama or downloadUrl filename

Overrides the filename when downloading the panorama. This is mostly useful if the panorama is provided as base64.

# size

  • type: { width: integer, height: integer }

The final size of the panorama container. By default the size of container is used and is followed when resized.

Configuration of the navbar.

# minFov

  • type: integer
  • default: 30

Minimal field of view (maximum zoom), between 1 and maxFov.

# maxFov

  • type: integer
  • default: 90

Maximal field of view (minimum zoom), between minFov and 180.

# defaultZoomLvl

  • type: integer
  • default: 50

Initial zoom level, between 0 (for maxFov) and 100 (for minfov).

# fisheye

  • type: boolean | double
  • default: false

Enable fisheye effect with true or specify the effect strength (true = 1.0).


This mode can have side-effects on markers rendering and some adapters.

# defaultYaw

  • type: double | string
  • default: 0

Initial horizontal angle, between 0 and 2π.

# defaultPitch

  • type: double | string
  • default: 0

Initial vertical angle, between -π/2 and π/2.

# lang

  • type: object
  • default:
lang: {
  zoom: 'Zoom',
  zoomOut: 'Zoom out',
  zoomIn: 'Zoom in',
  moveUp: 'Move up',
  moveDown: 'Move down',
  moveLeft: 'Move left',
  moveRight: 'Move right',
  description: 'Description',
  download: 'Download',
  fullscreen: 'Fullscreen',
  loading: 'Loading...',
  menu: 'Menu',
  close: 'Close',
  twoFingers: 'Use two fingers to navigate',
  ctrlZoom: 'Use ctrl + scroll to zoom the image',
  loadError: 'The panorama cannot be loaded',
  webglError: 'Your browser does not seem to support WebGL',

Various texts used in the viewer.

# loadingImg

  • type: string

Path to an image displayed in the center of the loader.

# loadingTxt

  • type: string
  • default: lang.loading

Text displayed in the center of the loader, only used if loadingImg is not provided.

# mousewheel

  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Enables zoom with the mouse wheel.

# mousemove

  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Enables panorama rotation with mouse click+move or with a finger swipe on touch screens.

# keyboard

  • type: boolean | 'fullscreen' | 'always'
  • default: 'fullscreen' (same as true)

Enables keyboard controls when in fullscreen or always. The different keys can be configured with keyboardActions.


Keys are listened globally to the page, and thus can be in conflict with other components if configured to 'always'.

# mousewheelCtrlKey

  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Requires to use the ctrl key to zoom the panorama. This allows to scroll on the page without interfering with the viewer. If enabled, an overlay asking the user to use ctrl + scroll is displayed when ctrl key is not pressed.

# touchmoveTwoFingers

  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Requires two fingers to rotate the panorama. This allows standard touch-scroll navigation in the page containing the viewer. If enabled, an overlay asking the user to use two fingers is displayed when only one finger is detected.

# Advanced options

# overlay

Deprecated: please migrate to the Overlays plugin.

# sphereCorrection

  • type: { pan: double, tilt: double, roll: double }
  • default: { pan:0, tilt:0, roll: 0 }

Allows to rotate the panorama sphere. Angles are in radians.

Note: if the XMP data and/or panoData contains heading/pitch/roll data, they will be applied before sphereCorrection.


# moveSpeed

  • type: double
  • default 1

Speed multiplicator for panorama moves. Used for click move, touch move and navbar buttons.

# zoomSpeed

  • type: double
  • default 1

Speed multiplicator for panorama zooms. Used for mouse wheel, touch pinch and navbar buttons.

# panoData

  • type: object | function<Image, PanoData, PanoData>

Overrides XMP data found in the panorama file. All parameters are optional.

panoData: {
  fullWidth: 6000,
  fullHeight: 3000,
  croppedWidth: 4000,
  croppedHeight: 2000,
  croppedX: 1000,
  croppedY: 500,
  poseHeading: 270, // 0 to 360
  posePitch: 0, // -90 to 90
  poseRoll: 0, // -180 to 180

It can also be a function to dynamically compute the cropping config depending on the loaded image.

panoData: (image, xmpData) => ({
    fullWidth: image.width,
    fullHeight: Math.round(image.width / 2),
    croppedWidth: image.width,
    croppedHeight: image.height,
    croppedX: 0,
    croppedY: Math.round((image.width / 2 - image.height) / 2),

Note: if the XMP data and/or panoData contains heading/pitch/roll data, they will be applied before sphereCorrection.


Only the default equirectangular adapter and low-resolution panorama of equirectangular-tiles supports panoData, for other adapters you can only use sphereCorrection if the tilt/roll/pan needs to be corrected.

# requestHeaders

  • type: object | function<string, object>

Sets the HTTP headers when loading the images files.

requestHeaders: {
  header: value,

It can also be a function to dynamically set the request headers before every call. This can be useful when adding a Bearer, which is temporarily valid, to the Authorization header.

requestHeaders: (url) => ({
    header: value,

# moveInertia

  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Enabled smooth animation after a manual move.

# withCredentials

  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Use credentials for HTTP requests.

# keyboardActions

  • type: object
  • default:
keyboardActions: {
  'ArrowUp': 'ROTATE_UP',
  'ArrowDown': 'ROTATE_DOWN',
  'ArrowRight': 'ROTATE_RIGHT',
  'ArrowLeft': 'ROTATE_LEFT',
  'PageUp': 'ZOOM_IN',
  'PageDown': 'ZOOM_OUT',
  '+': 'ZOOM_IN',
  '-': 'ZOOM_OUT',

Configure keyboard actions. It is a map defining key code->action. (all the available actions are listed above)

You can also configure an arbitrary callback to any key.

keyboardActions: {
  'h': (viewer) => {
      if (viewer.panel.isVisible('help')) {
      } else {
              id: 'help',
              content: 'Help content',
  'f': (viewer) => viewer.toggleFullscreen(),


Keyboard actions will only be available in fullscreen by default, this can be changed with the keyboard option.

# rendererParameters

Configuration of the ThreeJS WebGLRenderer.

# Cache

Photo Sphere Viewer contains a cache system to save resources when switching back and forth between multiple panoramas. This cache is global and shared across viewers (note: is not related to ThreeJS Cache, which should not be enabled).

To get the cache instance, import it from @photo-sphere-viewer/core, then you can configure it.

import { Cache } from '@photo-sphere-viewer/core';

Cache.enabled = false;
Cache.ttl = 300;
Cache.maxItems = 3;

# enabled

  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Allows to completely disable the cache.

# ttl

  • type: number
  • default: 600

Maximum retention duration in minutes.

# maxItems

  • type: number
  • default: 10

Maximum number of items stored in the case.

Note: the actual number of files will be greater with cubemap and tiles adapters.