# OverlaysPlugin

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Display additional images and videos on top of the panorama.

# Usage

Overlays are images and videos "glued" to the panorama. Contrary to markers they are part of the 3D scene and not drawn on top of the viewer.

Two kinds of overlays are supported :

  • full size equirectangular/cubemap : will cover the entire panorama
  • positionned rectangle : the image/video has a defined position and size (always in radians/degrees)
const viewer = new PhotoSphereViewer.Viewer({
    plugins: [
        [PhotoSphereViewer.OverlaysPlugin, {
            overlays: [
                    id: 'fullsize',
                    path: 'path/to/overlay.png',
                    id: 'positionned',
                    path: 'path/to/image.jpg',
                    yaw: '-20deg',
                    pitch: '10deg',
                    width: '40deg',
                    height: '20deg',
                    opacity: 0.5,
                    id: 'video',
                    type: 'video',
                    path: 'path/to/video.mp4',
                    yaw: '20deg',
                    pitch: '10deg',
                    width: '40deg',
                    height: '20deg',

# Example

Overlays vs. Markers

Overlays seem very similar to image/video markers but serve different purposes:

  • Markers are for "small" elements, generally interactive
  • Markers are highly configurable (style, tooltip, user events, etc.)
  • Overlays can cover the whole panorama
  • Overlays cannot have a tooltip, change size, etc. You can however listen to click events
  • Overlays are rendered over the panorama itself where markers are rendered flat over the viewer HTML element

# Configuration

# overlays

  • type: OverlayConfig[]
  • updatable: no

The list of overlays, see bellow. Can be updated with various methods.

# autoclear

  • type: boolean
  • default: true
  • updatable: yes

Automatically remove all overlays when the panorama changes.

# Overlays

Overlays can be a single image/video for a spherical gerometry or six images for a cube geometry (no videos).

  • type: string
  • default: random value

Used to remove the overlay with removeOverlay() method.

# type

  • type: image | video
  • default: image

# opacity

  • type: number
  • default: 1

# zIndex

  • type: number
  • default: 0

# Spherical overlays

# path (required)

  • type: string

Path to the image or video.

# yaw, pitch, width, height

  • type: number | string

Definition of the position and size of the overlay, if none of the four properties are configured, the overlay will cover the full sphere, respecting the panorama data if applicable.

# chromaKey

  • type: object
  • default: { enabled: false }

Will make a color of the image/video transparent.

(This option is only applicable to spherical overlays).

# Cube overlays

# path (required)

  • type: CubemapPanorama

Check the cubemap adapter page for the possible syntaxes. All six faces are required.

# Methods

# addOverlay(config)

Adds a new overlay.

# removeOverlay(id)

Removes an overlay.

# clearOverlays()

Removes all overlays.

# getVideo(id)

Returns the controller of a video overlay (native HTMLVideoElement) in order to change its state, volume, etc.

overlaysPlugin.getVideo('my-video').muted = false;

# Events

# overlay-click(overlayId)

Triggered when an overlay is clicked.

overlaysPlugin.addEventListener('overlay-click', ({ overlayId }) => {
    console.log(`Clicked on overlay ${overlayId}`);