Photo Sphere Viewer is developped in TypeScript and SASS. The repository is a Turborepo mono-repo containing the core package as well as official adapters and plugins. The building process is based on tsup (toolkit based on esbuild) with a bunch of customizations. The documentation is created with VitePress and TypeDoc. Files are linted with ESLint and Stylelint. Tests are executed with Mocha and Cypress. You will need Node.js 20.
- launch the dev server with
npm run serve
- watch only some packages wuth
npm run serve-filter
- watch only some packages wuth
- launch the documentation with
npm run doc:serve
- launch the Cypress runner with
npm run e2e:open
- register all package for npm link with
npm run npm-link
- execute the linters with
npm run lint
- execute the unit tests with
npm run test
- execute the e2e tests with
npm run e2e:run
- build all the packages with
npm run build
- build the documentation with
npm run doc:build