# Style

Photo Sphere Viewer comes with a default darkish theme. You can customize it by building yourself the stylesheet from the SCSS source and some variables overrides.

// overrides
$psv-loader-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
$psv-loader-width: 100px;

// main stylesheet
@import '~@photo-sphere-viewer/core/index.scss';

// plugins stylesheets
@import '~@photo-sphere-viewer/markers-plugin/index.scss';
@import '~@photo-sphere-viewer/virtual-tour-plugin/index.scss';

# Global

variable default description
$psv-main-background radial-gradient(...) Background of the viewer, visible when no panorama is set
$psv-element-focus-outline 2px solid #007cff Outline applied to focusable elements (navbar, panel, etc.)

# Loader

variable default description
$psv-loader-color rgba(255, 255, 255, .7) Color of the loader bar and text
$psv-loader-bg-color rgba(61, 61, 61, .5) Color of the loader background
$psv-loader-width 150px Size of the loader
$psv-loader-tickness 10px Thickness of the loader bar
$psv-loader-border 3px Inner border of the loader
$psv-loader-font 600 16px sans-serif Font of the loading text
variable default description
$psv-navbar-height 40px Height of the navbar
$psv-navbar-background rgba(61, 61, 61, .5) Background color of the navbar
$psv-caption-font 16px sans-serif Font of the caption
$psv-caption-text-color rgba(255, 255, 255, .7) Text color of the caption

# Buttons

variable default description
$psv-buttons-height 20px Inner height of the buttons
$psv-buttons-color rgba(255, 255, 255, .7) Icon color of the buttons
$psv-buttons-background transparent Background color of the buttons
$psv-buttons-active-background rgba(255, 255, 255, .2) Background color of the buttons when active
$psv-buttons-disabled-opacity .5 Opacity of disabled buttons
$psv-buttons-hover-scale 1.2 Scale applied to buttons on mouse hover
$psv-buttons-hover-scale-delay 200ms Duration of the scale animation

# Zoom range

variable default description
$psv-zoom-range-width 80px Size of the zoom range
$psv-zoom-range-tickness 1px Tickness of the zoom range
$psv-zoom-range-diameter 7px Size of the zoom handle
$psv-zoom-range-media-min-width 600px Hides the zoom range on small screens

# Tooltip

variable default description
$psv-tooltip-background rgba(61, 61, 61, .8) Background of tooltips
$psv-tooltip-radius 4px Border radius of the tooltips
$psv-tooltip-padding .5em 1em Content padding of the tooltips
$psv-tooltip-arrow-size 7px Tooltips' arrow size
$psv-tooltip-max-width 200px Maximum width of the tooltips' content
$psv-tooltip-text-color rgb(255, 255, 255) Text color of the tooltips
$psv-tooltip-font 14px sans-serif Font of the tooltips
$psv-tooltip-text-shadow 0 1px #000 Shadow applied to the tooltips' text
$psv-tooltip-shadow-color rgba(90, 90, 90, .7) Color of the tooltips' shadow
$psv-tooltip-shadow-offset 3px Size of the tooltips' shadow
$psv-tooltip-animate-offset 5px Distance travelled on show animation
$psv-tooltip-animate-delay 100ms Duration of the show animation

# Panel

variable default description
$psv-panel-background rgba(10, 10, 10, .7) Background of the panel
$psv-panel-width 400px Default width of the panel
$psv-panel-padding 1em Content padding of the panel
$psv-panel-text-color rgb(220, 220, 220) Default text color of the panel
$psv-panel-font 16px sans-serif Default font of the panel
$psv-panel-animate-delay 100ms Duration of the show animation
variable default description
$psv-panel-title-font 24px sans-serif Font of the menu title
$psv-panel-title-icon-size 24px Size of the menu title icon
$psv-panel-title-margin 24px Margin of the menu title
$psv-panel-menu-item-height 1.5em Minimum eight of an item in the menu
$psv-panel-menu-item-padding .5em 1em Padding of an item in the menu
$psv-panel-menu-odd-background rgba(255, 255, 255, .1) Background color of odd items in the menu
$psv-panel-menu-even-background transparent Background color of even items in the menu
$psv-panel-menu-hover-background rgba(255, 255, 255, .2) Background color of items on mouse hover

# Notification

variable default description
$psv-notification-position-from -$psv-navbar-height Position of the notification when hidden
$psv-notification-position-to $psv-navbar-height * 2 Position of the notification when visible
$psv-notification-animate-delay 200ms Duration of the show animation
$psv-notification-background $psv-tooltip-background Background color of the notification
$psv-notification-radius $psv-tooltip-radius Border radius of the notification
$psv-notification-padding $psv-tooltip-padding Content padding of the notification
$psv-notification-font $psv-tooltip-font Font of the notification
$psv-notification-text-color $psv-tooltip-text-color Text color of the notification

# Overlay

variable default description
$psv-overlay-opacity .8 Opacity of the overlay
$psv-overlay-title-font 30px sans-serif Font of the overlay title
$psv-overlay-title-color black Color of the overlay title
$psv-overlay-text-font 20px sans-serif Font of the overlay text
$psv-overlay-text-color rgba(0, 0, 0, .8) Color of the overlay text
$psv-overlay-image-size (portrait: 50%,
landscape: 33%)
Image/Icon size, depending on screen orientation